A Look at the Brighter Side of Furloughs

Congratulations to my UW Law Library colleague, JennyZook for her well written article in this month’s AALL Spectrum. In the article, “Buddy, Can you Spare the Time?,” Jenny explores the bright side of furloughs – …

Ten Years and a New Adventure

This week marks my tenth anniversary at the University of Wisconsin Law Library. I feel fortunate to have received the opportunity to work at a great institution, doing a job that I enjoy with a …

Google Introduces Health Care Tracking Service

Google has introduced a free health care tracking service called Google Health. From the site: Google Health puts you in charge of your health information. It’s safe, secure, and free. * Organize your health information …

Gingerbread Haunted Mansion

This item came up today in one of the blogs that I read and thought it was too cool not to share – a gingerbread haunted mansion. Librarians will appreciate the “Return Your Books or …

The View from Mars

Last night as we were snuggling up in our favorite rocking chair, my three-year-old daughter invited me along on her rocket ship. “Where are we going?” I asked. “To the moon?” “No,” she said, “to …

Best Time to Buy Everything

From LibrarianInBlack: SmartMoney offers advice on the Best Time to Buy Everything, from clothing to gas to groceries. There are some good ideas there, and some interesting take-away tips.