Law Professor's Blog Cited by Courts, Senate Judiciary Committee

The Wall Street Journal has an article entitled Law Professor’s Web Log Is Jurists’ Must-Read summarizing the buzz around Ohio State law prof, Douglas Berman’s blog, Sentencing Law and Policy  The blog chronicles the effect of the U.S. Supreme Court Blakely v. Washington ruling on the nation’s courts.
From the article:

“Last week, the blog was cited in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, which held hearings to consider a short-term fix to quell some of the chaos resulting from the Supreme Court ruling’s effect on the 20-year-old federal sentencing guidelines. Also last week, New York’s Second Circuit Court of Appeals cited the blog in a unanimous opinion of the court’s 13 active judges, which beseeched the Supreme Court to decide the guidelines’ constitutionality quickly. Judge Paul G. Cassell of Utah, the first federal judge to declare the guidelines unconstitutional, cited the blog in his groundbreaking opinion.”

Source:  beSpacific