How Current Is Newspaper Website Content?

From:  beSpacific
“A University of Texas at Austin study evaluating how often 30 newspapers refresh their respective website content indicated that ‘only 12 updated their home pages frequently, and the rest made few or no changes during the day.’ [Link]”
According to the article:

The 12 newspapers with the most updates during the period studied were led by Long Island Newsday, which had an average of 202.7 changes per day. The others were USA Today (148.2), Houston Chronicle (138.4), Chicago Tribune (133), New York Times (127.5), Los Angeles Times (121.3), Washington Post (115.3), Wall Street Journal (85.9), Hartford Courant (84), (Fort Worth, TX) Star-Telegram (68.7), Allentown Morning Call (64.6) and The Oklahoman (60.2).