Westlaw Adds WI Legislative History & Dockets Databases

Westlaw has recently added two new databases of Wisconsin information: Wisconsin Legislative History and WestDockets for Wisconsin State Courts
Wisconsin Legislative History (WI-LH)

Contents: Bill histories, bill analyses, Assembly and Senate journals from the 94th Legislature (1999-2000) through the 96th Legislature (2003-2004). Assembly bill memos from the 96th Legislature (2003-2004). Senate bill memos, and Assembly and Senate amendment memos from the 95th Legislature (2001-2002) through the 96th Legislature (2003-2004). Governor’s messages from 2001 through May 27, 2004.
Wisconsin was one of 12 new states to have legislative history databases added recently. For the complete list of all states with legislative history databases, see the West elert announcement.

WestDockets for Wisconsin State Courts (DOCK-WI-STCTS)

Contents: Docket information on active and inactive civil and criminal cases filed in the Circuit Courts of Wisconsin beginning in 2000. Civil and Criminal dockets from all counties except Portage County are included in this database. (Portage County has only Probate information available at this time.) New filings are added daily.

NOTE: Wisconsin Circuit Court (as well as Court of Appeals & Supreme Court) information and status reports are also available FREE from the Wisconsin Court System Web site.

See Wisconsin Circuit Court Access (CCAP) for Circuit Court civil and criminal reports and Wisconsin Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Case Access system for the Internet (WSCCA.i) for appeals filed with the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals.
Case information includes case summaries, parties, court recorded events, and docketed civil judgments. Coverage dates vary.