WisLaw CD-Roms Have Links to Cited Cases

As reported earlier, the Wisconsin Statutes and Annotations, Wisconsin Constitution and Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules on the Revisor of Statutes Bureau website now contain links from annotations to cited cases on the Wisconsin on the Wisconsin Court System website.
And, according to Bruce Hoesly, Deputy Revisor of Statutes, WisLaw CD-Roms also have the case links to the Wisconsin Court System website. If a user is accessing the statutes or Constitution or Statutes from the WisLaw CD-Rom without a web browser running, clicking on the link, will open the browser and the link will be followed.
The Wisconsin Lawyer – Legal News & Trends recently included information on ordering the WisLaw CD-Roms:

Up-to-date WisLaw® CD-ROMs, which are released quarterly, also are available. The CD-ROMs contain:
– Wisconsin Statutes and Annotations With Index;
– Table of Cross-References and Table of Sections Affected by Acts;
– Wisconsin Administrative Code with Index, Administrative Register, and Emergency Rules;
– Executive Orders;
– Wisconsin Acts With Index;
– Supreme Court Rules and Internal Operating Procedures;
– Recent Opinions of the Attorney General With Index;
– Wisconsin Constitution with Annotations and Index;
– U.S. Constitution;
– Wisconsin Town Law Forms; and
– Wisconsin Code of Military Justice.
All WisLaw® Infobases are substantially integrated with hypertext links. The statutes feature thousands of links between administrative rules and their authorizing statutes.
WisLaw® is available only by annual subscription. An annual subscription plus a license for one simultaneous user costs $99, up to four simultaneous users costs $149, and up to 10 simultaneous users costs $199. Shipping is included.
Unless exempt by law, all sales are subject to 5 percent state sales tax and, where applicable, 0.5 percent county sales tax and 0.1 percent stadium tax. Prepayment is required for all orders.
To order: call (800) 362-7253, (608) 264-9419, or TTY (608) 264-8499; visit www.legis.state.wi.us/rsb; or write to the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Document Sales & Distribution Section, 202 S. Thornton Ave., P.O. Box 7840, Madison, WI 53707-7840. Make check or money order payable to WI Department of Administration. VISA or MasterCard also accepted.