Google Launches Video Search

Google recently announced that they are beta testing a new video search engine. Funny thing is – there’s no video. It is actually is more of a tv listing search engine which contains still images and some closed caption text from recent tv programs. But useful, nonetheless.
Perhaps you remember seeing a story on a news program such as Dateline or 60 Minutes but can’t remember the specifics. A search on Google Video by keyword might turn it up for you. Listings include the name of the show and episode, channel and date it aired.
Because it is in beta testing, only a limited number of channels are available. But Google does plan to expand in time.
There are a couple of specialized searches available according to the Google Video help page.
To search by show title, type ‘title:’ in front of the program name when you do a search. For example, title:nightline or add a keyword title:nightline music.
To search for a particular channel, type “channel:” or “station:” in front of the channel name when you do a search (make sure to use the station’s common name). For example, channel:abc president bush restricts your search to ABC.