Free Advance Directives Fair at UW Law School – Complete a Living Will

The Terry Schiavo case has everyone thinking about living wills. The UW Law School Elder Law Clinic is offering an opportunity to create a living will at no cost during their Advance Directives Fair in the UW Law School Atrium next week, April 4th-8th. Hours are Monday 11-2, Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 1-5, Friday 10-3. This event is free and open to the public. Directions and a map are available on the UW Law School Website.
According to Director Betsy Abramson, student attorneys from the Elder Law Clinic, will be on hand to provide information, forms and an opportunity for one-on-one counseling to complete a living will and/or powers of attorney for health care (including explaining the difference). They’ll have the forms, pens, two disinterested witnesses, access to the copy machines, follow-up instructions and a card for your wallet.