Last week HeinOnline released the first 100 titles in its new Legal Classics Library. The library, which contains more than 300,000 pages, contains landmark legal works from the late 18th through the mid 20th centuries. …
Month: April 2005
Annotated New York Times Offers Blog Cites & Topical Feeds
Annotated New York Times from blogrunner is a new resource that tracks blog posts discussing articles that appear in the New York Times. It also offers a hundreds of topical RSS feeds for NYT articles …
Weird Wisconsin Book
Sunday’s Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel has an article about a new book called, “Weird Wisconsin,” co-written by Madison law librarian and “student of weirdology,” Richard Hendricks. According to Hendricks: “We are the weirdest state,” he says. “We’re …
Chicken Law No Match for Law Librarians!
Readers of WisBlawg know that last week was National Library Week. At the UW Law Library we held a number of events, including daily contests, workshop and displays. On Wednesday we held our first ever …
Audio Workshop – Staying Current in Less Time: Blogs, RSS & Alert Services
As part of our National Library Week celebration at the UW Law Library, today I presented a workshop for our students, faculty and staff on Staying Current in Less Time: Blogs, RSS & Alert Services. …
Time Matters Blog
1234Tips is a new blog for Time Matters users. It offers “step-by-step instructions showing how to get more out of Time Matters software.” The blog is hosted by Active Practice LLC.
Two Milwaukee Companies Named to Inc's "Inner City 100"
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that two Milwaukee companies have been named to Inc. magazine’s “Inner City 100,” an annual ranking of high-growth companies in the nation’s distressed urban centers. The two companies are: HMB …
UW Law School Trivia Answers
Here are the answers to yesterday’s UW Law Library National Library Week Law School Trivia contest: 1. In its history, where has the Law School NOT been located? Answer: C In a log cabin 2. …
Coming Soon: Podscope, A Podcast Search Engine
Soon, podcasting enthusiasts will be able to textually search podcast audio recordings with Podscope from TVEyes. From the announcement: TVEyes, the real-time broadcast search provider, today announced Podscope®, the first engine to search within a …
Blawg Review – Weekly Roundup of Posts from the Blawgosphere
If you haven’t seen it yet, give Blawg Review a look. Among other things, it features a weekly roundup of posts from the blawgosphere. Here’s how it works: people submit blog posts that they feel …