Information Today has a very interesting article on anonymous library cards. Like a retail gift card, these cards are issued anonymously with a cash deposit and do not require any personal identification. Sounds like an …
Month: June 2005
Survey of Blawg Readership
From Robert Ambrogi’s Law Sites: Anyone interested in blawgs as a phenomenon within the legal profession should read the results of the readership survey conducted by Bruce MacEwen for his blog, Adam Smith, Esq. The …
Must Kentucky Blawggers Pay $50 "Filing Fee" per Post?
Legal Ethics Blogger, Ben Cowgill, reports on his recent communications with the Kentucky Attorneys’ Advertising Commission about the treatment of law-related web logs under Kentucky’s lawyer advertising regulations. Apparently, “advertisement” is defined as any communication …
Working Paper on the Law & Economics of Blogging
Larry E. Ribstein of University of Illinois College of Law has written a very interesting paper entitled, “Initial Reflections on the Law and Economics of Blogging” (April 2005, 19 pages) It is part of the …
Marquette Law Library Blog & Law School RSS Feed
I recently learned that Marquette Law School has two new resources available via RSS. Library M. Usements, the Law Library’s blog, contains library and legal news Marquette Law Daily is a RSS feed from the …
Nightline, Good Morning America Podcasts from ABC
ABC has gotten into the podcasting game with feeds for Nightline, Good Morning America, The Afternote (politics), and several other programs. You can listen the programs via the Web and/or subscribe to their podcast feeds. …
Privacy Implications of Instant & Text Messaging
NAISCO, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers, has created a brief on the The Privacy Implications of Instant and Text Messaging Technologies in State Government. There is some interesting content here – and …
List of Law Libraries Using RSS
As promised, I’ve compiled a list of law libraries using RSS feeds for projects other than blogs. Please let me know if I’ve missed any and I would be glad to add them. This list …
TIME on Wikipedia
TIME Magazine has a story on Wikipedia, the free open-source encyclopedia that anyone can edit. The world’s largest online encyclopedia, controversial Wikipedia has 500,000+ entries in English alone. The author also discusses wikis a business …
WisconsinEye to Debut in January
According to NBC15, WisconsinEye is scheduled to begin broadcasting in January. A “state-wide version of C-SPAN,” the public affairs television channel will broadcast state legislative activities.