Cougar, a Madison-based instrumental post-rock band, had sampled UW Law Prof and blogger, Ann Althouse’s voice on two songs from its debut album, Law, including the first track, “Atlatl.”
From the Isthmus:
“Atlatl” is available for listening on Cougar’s myspace profile, where it was uploaded in early February. The song is a moderately-paced guitar instrumental that features Althouse lecturing in a law school class on federal jurisdiction, originally recorded several years ago by Cougar guitarist Trent Johnson, one of her students.
Johnson, now a lawyer, supplied a recording of a class lecture by Althouse as collage material when the band was composing Law, says Aaron Sleator, Cougar’s multi-instrumentalist. . .
Althouse was contacted by Johnson in September, 2004, for permission to use the sample, which was promptly given. Another track named “Your Excellency” also briefly samples the lecture.