Introduces RSS Reader has introduced a desktop RSS Reader called NewsPoint. From the FAQ:

What is NewsPoint? NewsPoint is a desktop newsreader. It allows you to sign up to receive updates from and other online publishers. Once you’ve installed NewsPoint on your computer, it will automatically check for news updates from and the other publishers you’ve added. This means you can get the latest updates directly on your computer desktop, without having to surf lots of different websites to find it.

If you read a lot of blogs and haven’t discovered RSS readers yet, I HIGHLY recommend that you do so. They are a huge timesaver. There are two types of readers, desktop (like NewsPoint) and web-based (like Bloglines). With a desktop, one distinct advantage is the ability to download content and read it off line. Web-based readers allow you to access content from any Internet-connected computer. Both types are good, so choose the one that best suits your needs.
Source: TVC Alert