Google UncleSam Gets a Make Over

Google UncleSam is now Google U.S. Government Search. From Google:

Google U.S. Government Search offers a single location for searching across U.S. government information, and for keeping up to date on government news. You can choose to search for content located on either U.S. federal, state and local government websites or the entire Web — from the same search box. Below the search box, the homepage includes government-specific news content from both government agencies and press outlets. You can personalize the page by adding content feeds on government or other topics that you’re interested in.

The name seems a bit misleading to me since it indexes not only federal sites, but state and local ones as well.
The big changes seems to be with the personalization features. Looks like you can customize what information you would like to see displayed on this page by choosing from a handful of syndicated content providers (via RSS feeds) such as the NYT Washington news or LLI’s Supreme Court opinions.
Perhaps I’m missing something, but I don’t really see the value of this. The beauty of syndicated content is that you can have all of it displayed in a single RSS reader (such as Bloglines). To have to go separately to individual sites – like Google U.S. Government Search to get my gov news; Google News to get my news news; and so on – seems like a waste of valuable time.