New PACER Functionality

From a PACER press release:
(What is PACER?)

The latest versions of CM/ECF include a number of notable changes that were requested by PACER customers. PACER customers can now choose whether the client code field should be mandatory when logging into CM/ECF. In addition, formatting requirements of the client code can be set. The new preference settings allow customers to turn off viewing of transaction receipts if desired. To implement these new features, login to the Account Information section of this website, then select “Set PACER Preferences.”
A new “Court Information” utility is available in CM/ECF. The option provides general court information such as hours of operation, court location and phone number, as well as filing information such as the maximum size of PDF files, the court’s version of CM/ECF, case flag definitions and more. “Court Information” can be accessed in most courts at the bottom left hand corner before logging into the system. While logged into PACER, click on the “Utilities” menu option to get to “Court Information.”
Only district version 3.0 and bankruptcy version 3.1 and later include the enhancements listed above. Customers may set their preferences now, but they will not appear in a court until the court installs the new versions of CM/ECF. For a complete listing of changes, review the CM/ECF Release Notes.

Source: Legal Dockets Online Blog