The Curmudgeon's Guide to Practicing Law on How to Fail as a New Associate

Highly recommended for law students is The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Practicing Law. This funny guide is dead-on with its tips for new associates.
From Chapter Two, How to Fail as a New Associate:
Pt 6, Who Needs Books? This Handy Computer Will Give Me a Case On Point

If I ask you to help with legal research, and you return a half hour later insisting that there is no case on point, I will know that you did word searches on Lexis instead of doing true research. I will go to the library, skim a treatise, read the descriptions of cases in the digests, read the relevant cases, and find the precedent that we need. I will also think about having some other lawyer help me with my next case.

The UW Law Library’s copy is available at KF300 H47 2006
Source: Law Dawg Blawg