Blue Book Citation Tools: Citrus & Citation Legal Edition

Citrus (think Cit-r-us) is a new legal citation tool which automatically corrects legal citations in Word as you type. “When you’re ready to type a citation, press F2 and make an educated guess. Once you’re done, press F2 again, and Citrus will generate a correct Bluebook citation.” An individual license is available for $495 per computer.
Citrus cites to cases, federal and state statutes, CFR, Fed. Register, U.S. Constitution, court rules and more. According to the web site, it also includes parenthetical information, “such as whether a decision is per curiam, whether you need to cite the editor as well as the case reporter, or even whether an opinion in the U.S. reporter came from the court or an individual circuit Justice.”
Has anyone used Citrus? I’d be interested in learning more about it. Can it handle law reviews and other more complex citations? There is a “tour,” but it’s nothing more than a couple of screen shots.
A similar tool that I have used is Citation: Legal Edition. Citation, however, is a bibliographic database management system (unlike Citrus which seems to be an add-on to MS Word). You enter (or import) your citations into a database, and it generates the proper blue book cites for you. It seemed to work very well. Great for scholarly research.
I’ve since moved to RefWorks which is available campus wide at the University of Wisconsin. Unfortunately, it doesn’t support Bluebook citation style (which, I’ve been told, is because it is too complex).
Thanks to Conglomerate for the tip about Citrus.