Open CRS Offers Meta Search of CRS Reports

The Congressional Research Service (CRS) is the public policy research arm of the United States Congress. The reports issued by CRS, which are created to inform members of Congress on issues of public policy, are excellent sources of in-depth, non-partisan information.
Unfortunately, while the taxpayer-funded CRS reports are unclassified, they do not become public until a member of Congress releases them. Fortunately, a number of libraries and non-profit organizations have sought to collect as many of the released reports as possible. Open CRS, a project of the Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), brings together these collections.
Because there is no systematic way to obtain all CRS reports, not all reports appear on the Open CRS web site. But with the help of one anonymous lawmaker, we at least know what we are missing. According to a CDT press release, this lawmaker is providing a running list of new reports, making it possible to seek out the “fugitive” reports and upload them to the database. Looks like all known ones so far have been tracked down.
Sources: Virtual Library Cat’s Eye View and beSpacific