EndNote Now Supports Bluebook Citation Style

A question about citation management software on the ALL-SIS listserv reminded me that I haven’t yet posted about EndNote’s addition of the Bluebook citation style. Previously, the only product of which I was aware that supported Bluebook was Citation Legal Edition. [What is citation management software?]
I learned about this back in August when Web of Knowledge started including EndNote Web in our campus subscription. Although the two products are designed complement each other, you can use them separately. So, despite the fact that there isn’t a ton of legal content in Web of Knowledge, I can still make use of the EndNote Web piece.
According the to technician I spoke with at EndNote, the EndNote Web program comes with a standard set of output styles (which currently cannot be changed or modified like the desktop version of EndNote), which now includes the two Bluebook styles.
If you don’t already have EndNote (desktop) or EndNote Web, you can get the free demo version of EndNote X1 and test out the Bluebook outputs.
Since I’d already built custom Bluebook styles in RefWorks (to which our campus also subscribes), I haven’t felt the urgent need to play around with the Bluebook styles in EndNote. I’d be interested in hearing from anyone that has. Please share in the comments.