LegalTube, a New Video Matchmaking Site for Lawyers & Clients

Robert Ambrogi over at’s Legal Blogwatch discusses LegalTube, an interesting new video matching site for lawyers and clients:

A new video site wants to play matchmaker for lawyers and clients. The idea behind LegalTube is to help potential clients find the right lawyer by letting them view videos of the lawyers discussing themselves and their areas of practice.
“LegalTube is the only legal directory where finding a lawyer or the answers to your law-related questions is as easy as channel surfing,” the site promises. “It’s a way to connect attorneys and potential clients by offering ‘face time’ in the comfort of your living room.”…
Although there is not much here yet, it certainly makes sense for lawyer directories to match videos with profiles. Videos let potential clients get a sense of the lawyer in a way that simple text never could. Plenty of lawyers have already discovered this with videos on YouTube. Take those YouTube-style videos and arrange them by city, state and practice area, and you could have something useful for consumers. This site is not there yet, but it might be heading in the right direction.