Need to brush up on your computer skills? If you live in the Milwaukee area, then you’re in luck because the Milwaukee Public Library has recently acquired the LearningExpress Library Computer Skills Learning Center.
From Now @ MPL:
The database features interactive video, animations, quizzes and sound, and the tutorials include:
- Access 2003 & 2007
- Excel 2003, 2007 & 2008
- Word 2003, 2007 & 2008
- PowerPoint 2003, 2007 & 2008
- Photoshop CS3
- Flash CS3
- Illustrator CS3
- Microsoft Project 2007
- Outlook 2003 & 2007
- Publisher 2007
- SharePoint Designer 2007
- Visio 2003 & 2007
- WordPerfect X3
The tutorials are available for both Mac and PC. Study at a basic, intermediate or advanced level, and create your own login to keep building your capabilities.
LearningExpress Library Computer Skills Learning Center is available within the library and from your home computer with your City of Milwaukee library card. To access Computer Skills Learning Center within the LearningExpress Library, select “Computer Skills” from the left sidebar that lists the Learning Center options.