Starting in January 2011, Wisconsin legislative proposals (bills, amendments, and resolutions) will display a graphic code called a “matrix code” that contains a URL, or hyperlink.
From the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau:
With an Internet-connected cell phone, you can scan the matrix code to display an associated Web page. If the proposal has been introduced, the matrix code will link to the bill status Web page. If the proposal has not been introduced, the matrix code will link to a page that reads, “No legislative proposal with that LRB number has been introduced. Wisconsin statutes require that bills, amendments, and resolutions remain confidential until they are introduced.”
Read more from the LRB.
Thanks to LRB Chief, Steve Miller for the heads up on this exciting new development. I’m constantly amazed by the wonderful things that the LRB does with technology, from digital content, to RSS feeds, to Twitter, to podcasting / webcasting, and now matrix codes. We Wisconsinites are truly lucky to have such a progressive group working to make the legislative process more accessible.