TrialPad and Other Apps for Legal Professionals

Last month in San Diego, a local news station reported that the District Attorney’s office was beginning to use an IPad app in the courtroom. Called TrialPad, the app allows attorneys to view diagrams, pictures and other evidence from a variety of angles, giving juries a better look at their evidence. The app can also serve as a way to edit video clips, store important documents, view documents side-by-side and includes a whiteboard for note-taking. While the price is hefty for an app at $89.99, the useful aspects and real-world applications of TrialPad make it worth a look if you are wanting to add a new wrinkle to your case presentation.
The San Diego court recently banned poster boards from all cases except for murder cases, so the TrialPad app has helped fill the void of presenting exhibits that once would have been a typical poster board presentation. TrialPad is being used across the country by a variety of lawyers, including the US Attorney’s Office, and can be purchased in the Apple App Store.
If you are interested in other iPad apps that can be used by legal professionals, the vast majority of which are either free or less than 10 dollars, check out the Law Library’s guide to iPad legal apps. If you prefer Android tablets or smartphones, the Law Library also has an Android legal apps page. Both are updated frequently, so check back for new and useful apps.
Post by Kris Turner