Another attempt at implementing CCAP legislation

In the most recent attempt to give CCAP (Wisconsin’s online record system for circuit courts) a facelift, a new bill is being considered by the legislature. This time, the bill was introduced by Republican senator Glenn Grothman and Republican representative Mary Czaja and has initially found some support in both the Assembly and Senate.
If the bill passes, the State Court’s office would be required to remove any information about felony cases on CCAP within 120 days of receiving notice that the charges were dismissed or the defendant was found not guilty. The same goes for civil forfeiture cases, except the window is reduced to 90 days.
As always, any legislation that attempts to remove information from CCAP may run into resistance. Previous CCAP legislation has lost support in the face of protests that range from land lords to law enforcement that support CCAP in it’s current incarnation and would prefer that no information is removed.
It remains to be seen if this most recent bill will gain further traction. If you’d like to read the full text of the bill, click here.