Kris Turner Wins WLA Rising Star Award

The UW Law Library is happy to announce that Kris Turner, our Reference and Technology Services Librarian, has been selected by the Wisconsin Library Association’s New Member Round Table as the recipient of its 2014 Rising Star Award.
Kris jointed the library staff in 2012. He has become a skilled guide for students, faculty and staff through the wide range of changes that have taken place in the technologies of legal research. He currently is involved in re-designing the Law Library website, developing an in-house repository for faculty scholarship, and re-thinking how technology can be used to better market library resources and services. Kris regularly authors postings for the library’s website as well as reviews of books on aspects of law librarianship. He has become an expert on legal apps and has been interviewed by U.S. News and World Report and the Wisconsin Law Journal on this topic.
Kris serves as the Chair-Elect of the Association of Wisconsin Special Libraries as well as the secretary of the Law Librarians Association of Wisconsin. He has been invited to give presentations at numerous professional meetings, including meetings of the Wisconsin Library Association, the Law Librarians Association of Wisconsin, the American Association of Law Libraries, and the UW Madison campus libraries.
We are delighted to see Kris’s professional accomplishments recognized by librarians across the state. Please join us in congratulating Kris on this well-deserved honor!