Author Profile Pages Now Available In HeinOnline

HeinOnline has added a new author profile feature in their Law Journal Library that allows readers to to view more information about authors and allows authors to showcase their work.
To access the profile page for a particular author, open the Law Journal Library and search for an author.  From the search results, click the author’s name to view their profile which contains information about the author, a list of their articles available on HeinOnline, and data on how many times their articles have been cited and accessed in the last year.
Authors may further enhance their profiles by adding a photo, biography, university/affiliation, and links to profile and social media accounts.  Simply click the “submit author profile” link at the top of your author profile and complete the form.
Below is an example of my enhanced author profile:
author profile
HeinOnline’s Law Journal Library is available to anyone at the UW Law Library, as well as at the State Law Library, the Dane County Legal Resource Center, the Milwaukee Legal Resource Center, and Marquette Law School.  It is also available remotely to Wisconsin State Law Library cardholders who work at a firm or organization with fewer than 25 attorneys (for more information, see WSLL website).