Post written by Eric Taylor, Evening Reference Librarian:
The 2015-2016 edition of the Wisconsin Blue Book is now available on the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau website.
What is the Wisconsin Blue Book?
The State of Wisconsin Blue Book remains the primary one-volume reference source about the state, documenting the organization of the state’s three branches of government (legislative, executive, and judicial).
Typically, each volume includes extensive description and statistics on virtually all aspects of life in Wisconsin, including major sections on the state’s population, geography, history, election data, educational resources, social services, finance, agriculture, industry, transportation system, etc. Various useful lists are also provided, such as of statewide associations, news media, local governmental units, post offices, political parties, etc. [from the UWDC]
Each edition contains a feature article. This time, the article is entitled “Wisconsin in the Civil War.”
Prior editions of the Wisconsin Blue Book are available at the LRB website from the 2005-2006 edition through present. Older editions from 1853 to the 2003-2004 edition are available at the UW Digital Collections website.