Here is the latest faculty scholarship appearing in the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Papers series found on SSRN.
- On the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) by Richard Bilder, University of Wisconsin Law School
- A New Federalism for Indian Tribes: The Relationship Between the United States and Tribes in Light of our Federalism and Republican Democracy by Richard Monette, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Between the Facts and Norms of Police Violence: Using Discourse Models to Improve Deliberations Around Law Enforcement by Franciska Coleman, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Separate is Inherently Unequal, Unless You’re Religious: The Peculiar Constitutionlization of Religious Segregation by Franciska Coleman, University of Wisconsin Law School
- They Should Be Fired: The Social Regulation of Free Speech in the U.S. by Franciska Coleman, University of Wisconsin Law School
- In Fairness to Future Generations of Eaters by Steph Tai, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Leaving the Land of Easy Answers: Regulatory Takings, Rucho and the Nature of Constitutional Analysis by Neil K. Komesar, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Ableness as Property by Angelica Guevara, University of Wisconsin Law School
- Competing for Votes by Yaron Nili, University of Wisconsin Law School and Kobi Kastiel, Tel Aviv University – Buchmann Faculty of Law, Harvard Law School, Program on Corporate Governance
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