Virtual Symposium on Citation and the Law

The Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale Law School is hosting a free Virtual Symposium on Citation and the Law on April 22 and 23, 2021.  Registration is now open.Citation and the Law logo

The symposium will highlight the scholarship of law librarians and faculty interested in issues ranging from the US News and World Reports rankings for scholarly productivity, to link rot, to empirical research in the use of citations, and more.  Keynote speaker Fred Shapiro will set the stage with his paper “The Most-Cited Legal Scholars Revisited” to be published in the University of Chicago Law Review.  All the papers will be published in a book by the Hein Company.

I will present my paper, Representing Law Faculty Scholarly Impact: Strategies for Improving Citation Metrics Accuracy and Promoting Scholarly Visibility at the symposium on Thursday, April 22nd at 1:45 eastern/12:45 central (panel 2).  See the full schedule for additional works presented.