One of most useful features of the Law Librarians Association of Wisconsin (LLAW) Newsletter is Cindy May’s Recommended Readings. I can always find a few gems I’ve missed in her annotated list. One article of …
Data & Databases
BooksOnPoint Indexes Web Sites of Legal Publishers
The folks at IndexMaster have beta released a new service called BooksOnPoint which indexes the content of legal publishers’ web sites. Unlike IndexMaster, which provides the full index and/or table of contents of legal texts, …
Google Blog Search Adds Date Restrictors
Google has revved up it’s blog search engine with the addition of date restrictors. Go to the Advanced Blog Search page to search posts written within a specific date range. While Google blog search is …
LexisNexis U.S. & Canadian RSS Feeds
It seems that LexisNexis has unveiled some Canadian RSS feeds, including new Butterworths Titles, The Lawyers Weekly (headlines from the weekly legal newspaper), Supreme Court of Canada Service (case digests) and more. U.S. feeds are …
Law Reviews & Journals on the Web
Thanks to Wendy Nobunaga from the USC Law Library for compiling a list of law reviews and journals on the Web. Codes indicate what is available at each site: F = Full-text A = Abstracts …
Wall Street Journal & Other Factiva Content Finally Available to Law Schools via LexisNexis
Good news for law students, faculty, and staff: the Wall Street Journal and other Factiva content is finally available via LexisNexis to law schools. From the press release: Beginning May 12, your students, faculty and …
StateMaster for State Statistics
The folks who brought us, have released a new tool called, a statistical database which allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on U.S. states. This is pretty sweet. …
Microsoft's Windows Live Search Engine Indexes Academic Content
Microsoft has beta released a new search engine for academic journal content called Windows Live. According to a press release, the initial beta release will target the subjects of computer science, electrical engineering and physics, …
LexisNexis Academic Investigating Metasearch
For those academic librarians, like myself, who thought that LexisNexis Academic would never be metasearchable, I share the good news that they do have an XML gateway in production. According to an email received by …
EBSCOhost Offers RSS Alerts & Visual Search
It looks like EBSCOhost is offering a couple of new search enhancements: RSS Alerts for saved searches and a visual search interface. EBSCO has some great medical and business databases, many of which are available …