The recent release of Netflix’s “The Railway Men,” a series centered on the 1984 gas leak at the American-owned Union Carbide factory in Bhopal, India has reignited global interest in one of the most devastating …
UW Law Launches Herman Goldstein & Problem-Oriented Policing Collection
The UW Law Library is thrilled to announce the launch of a new repository collection: the Herman Goldstein & Problem-Oriented Policing Collection. Longtime UW Law professor, Goldstein was an international leader in policing and criminology …
U.S. Congressional Reports & Documents back to 1817 to be Freely Accessible Online
The U.S. Government Publishing Office has announced that it is working with the Law Library of Congress to digitize and make freely accessible volumes of the U.S. Congressional Serial Set back to the first volume …
WHS Receives Grant to Digitize Early Citizen Petitions to WI Legislature
Congratulations to the Wisconsin Historical Society for receiving a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to digitize citizen petitions submitted to the Wisconsin Legislature between 1836 and 1890. Here’s more information about the project …
Malamud Building Gigantic Journal Database for Data Analysis
The journal Nature has an interesting piece on public domain advocate, Carl Malamud’s project to “build a gigantic store of text and images extracted from 73 million journal articles” for data analysis. No one will be allowed …
Making case law accessible to all
There have been some very exciting advances in the fight to make court documents more freely accessible to everyone. As many legal researchers and law librarians are aware, many legal materials can be relatively rare …
The University of Wisconsin Law School announces the Bhopal Digital Repository
Last week, the UW Law School hosted a symposium on the Bhopal Disaster, which killed thousands of people in the Bhopal region of India, left a long legal trail, and is still controversial to this …
Digitize Your Old Photos, Home Movies, Etc. at Madison Public Library
Do you have a collection of analog materials (like home movies, video tapes, audio cassettes) or paper documents (photographs, etc.) that you’d like to digitize but don’t have the equipment to do so? Then check …
Article: High Court Won’t Hear Copyright Challenge to Google Books
According to the Wall Street Journal Law Blog, the Supreme Court has denied cert to Authors Guild, et al. v. Google, Inc., in which the Authors Guild and individual writers argued that Google engaged in …
Google wins digitalization case
Today, Judge Denny Chin ruled in favor of Google in what may be a landmark case that would enhance Fair Use for digital items. Google argued that scanning in books and publishing ‘snippets’ of the …