A recent article from Madison’s local newspaper, The Isthmus, outlines some significant cuts to the staff and services of the Wisconsin Legislative Reference Bureau, particularly in the LRB research and library services department. For example, the …
Legislation & Regs
CRS Reports to be Made Publicly Available
Under a provision of the 2018 omnibus appropriations act that was passed by Congress and signed by the President earlier this month, all non-confidential Congressional Research Service reports must be made publicly available online within …
SEC Adopts Final Rules to Require Hyperlinks to Exhibits in Filings
This post was authored by Jenny Zook, Reference and Instructional Services Librarian at the UW Law School Library. SEC has adopted a final rule requiring public companies to include hyperlinks in their exhibit index, making …
New Site Aims to Make Every CRS Report Publicly Available Online
If you’ve ever tried looking for a CRS Report, you know that they can be very difficult to track down. A new site called everyCRSreport.com is hoping to make them more publicly accessible online. Currently …
Historic Federal Register Volumes Now Freely Available Online
The Law Library of Congress has recently released a full collection of historical volumes of the Federal Register online. The collection begins with the first Federal Register in 1936 and contains all daily volumes through …
New Edition of Wisconsin Guide to Citation Now Available
The Wisconsin State Bar has recently published a newly updated edition of the Wisconsin Guide to Citation. The new eighth edition reflects recent changes made to The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation, now in …
JFC Motion Would Severely Restrict Access to WI Drafting Records and other Legislative "Deliberative Materials"
Late last night, Wisconsin’s Joint Committee on Finance passed a motion (motion #999) to the Wisconsin state budget that would exempt “deliberative materials” like legislative drafting records and legislative briefings from Wisconsin’s open records laws. …
Track Federal Legislation with Congress.gov
Recently, Congress.gov launched several email alert services that allow you to track federal legislative information. First, the legislation alert allows you to track action on a particular bill. When viewing a bill in Congress.gov, click …
Info on the New Session of the Wisconsin Legislature
Eileen Snyder of the Wisconsin Historical Society has put together a useful post on the new session of the Wisconsin Legislature. It includes information such as a list of state officers, salaries of state elected …
Visually Trace Progress of Federal Bills & Resolutions with Legislative Explorer
Legislative Explorer is a new tool to visually trace the progress bills and resolutions as they move through Congress. This tool help researchers observe large scale patterns and trends in congressional lawmaking without advanced methodological …