The other day, I asked my preschooler about his favorite part of the day. “Play time,” he responded. I smiled – not exactly the reply I was expecting. Then I thought – how little things change. Play time is one of my favorite parts of the day as a law librarian, too.
The toys I play with now are a little different then they used to be. Web sites, databases, and blogs fill my toy box now. Experimenting with these technologies and teaching others how to play nicely with them is both fun and rewarding for me.
Your play time might be different. But it’s important to find what you enjoy most about the profession and go with it. Let it inspire you. You know what they say about “all work and no play.”
- Each month AALL Spectrum runs a “Member to Member” section in which law librarians are asked to answer a question about the profession. The above is my response to the question: What is your favorite part of the day as a law librarian? Why? I’m told it will appear in the December issue of Spectrum.