Most Major Newspapers Also Publish Blogs

In an interesting survey, found that all but fourteen of America’s 100 largest newspapers also published one or more blogs. Most blogs are devoted to a specific topic, such as politics, law, sports, lifestyle, …

AALL Annual Meeting Blog

The blog for this summer’s American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting in St. Louis is already up. The AALL Gateway will feature news, announcements and informational pieces about the upcoming meeting (and birthday celebration), …

AALL Annual Meeting Blog

The blog for this summer’s American Association of Law Libraries Annual Meeting in St. Louis is already up. The AALL Gateway will feature news, announcements and informational pieces about the upcoming meeting (and birthday celebration), …

Click to Donate Sites

My colleague, Jenny Zook, has written a short article on click to donate sites for the UW Law School Newsletter. These sites donate part of their advertising revenue to charity whenever you use their search …