Corporate Blogging Best Practices

The UW E-Business Consortium’s Corporate Weblogging Best Practices is a must for any firm or business that has a blog or is thinking about starting one. Actually, it’s worthwhile for any firm or business wanting …

StateMaster for State Statistics

The folks who brought us, have released a new tool called, a statistical database which allows you to research and compare a multitude of different data on U.S. states. This is pretty sweet. …

Who Owns the Moon?

Who owns the moon? Now that would have been a good Stump the Librarian question. From the Moritz Legal Information Blog: The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) is a good place to …

Judges' Opinions on Blogging

In his blog, 3L Epiphany, Ian Best, a student at Moritz College of Law (Ohio State University), has some fascinating posts exploring judges’ opinions on blogging. Best surveyed two judges, Judith Lanzinger (Ohio Sup. Ct.) …

Westlaw Introduces eForms

Westlaw recently released a new service called Westlaw eForms. These fill-in-the-blank forms are available for federal courts, state and local courts, bankruptcy courts, and government agencies. Forms are both saveable and emailable. For more information, …