Web 2.0 Challenge Course Now Available

Are you interested in learning about applications like blogs, wikis, and Second Life, but don’t have a lot of time? Take the AALL Computing Service Special Interest Section’s Web 2.0 Challenge!
The Web 2.0 Challenge — a free, comprehensive, and interactive online course — will use hands-on exercises to introduce many kinds of social technologies in just five weeks. The course is intended for those who have little experience with these technologies but are interested in learning more.
The course is designed for law librarians, but most of the content is appropriate for any library or legal professional.
Although enrollment in the course is now full, anyone may follow along with the course as a guest. Most of the course content will be available to you. To access the course, go to http://www.cssis.org/Web20Challenge/login/ and select “Login as guest”
The course is scheduled for the five weeks after the AALL Annual Meeting (July 21-Aug. 24, 2008). You may follow along with this schedule, or at your own pace if you prefer.
If you’re planning to attend the AALL Annual Meeting, I invite you to attend session H1, Cool Tools: Energizing Law Librarianship with Web 2.0 on Tuesday from 9:00 to 10:30. I’ll be leading one of the showcases in which I’ll discuss the Web 2.0 Challenge and preview the course content.
If you have any questions about the Web 2.0 Challenge, please contact me as I’m one of the course organizers. This also explains why I haven’t posted much to WisBlawg lately – sorry!