SSRN Improves Article and Author Pages

It appears that SSRN (Social Science Research Network) has made some interface improvements to its author and article pages. Very nice. For those that may not be familiar with it, SSRN is an open access repository of scholarly papers.
Article page:
Notice the large download buttons at the top of the article page. They appear when you “Choose Download Location” link. This is a nice improvement since it wasn’t entirely clear how to download on the old format. If you click on the “Share” link at the top, you’ll see links to save/share the url on Digg,, etc. At the bottom of the page, you have the option to export the cite to EndNote, BibTeX and RefMan. That may or may not be new, but I’ve never noticed it.
Author page:
The author page also has some nice options. At the very top, notice the RSS feed which will notify you of all new papers and revisions by that author. (This isn’t new, but it’s worth repeating.)
In the listing of articles, statistics to number of downloads and citations appear on the right. In the actions bar across the top, you can email or export citations to selected articles in the list. You can also choose to view or hide abstracts in the article list.