More on FreeCourtDockets – Who are we and why are we giving away Pacer dockets for free?

In response to numerous questions, FreeCourtDockets answers the question “Who are we and why are we giving away Pacer dockets for free?”
From an email that I received yesterday:

FreeCourtDockets is maintained by Courtport, LLC. We feel federal court dockets, like other public records should be free and freely available via the Internet. While others fight with the government on this issue, we are trying a faster route using an ad-supported model.
We can’t do this without your help. As you are probably aware Google ads do not generate a lot of revenue, and the ads can be ugly and less than useful sometimes. We are seeking reputable, quality advertisers and sponsors to help pay our pacer bills. We also accept donations–no amount is too big or too small. If you are interested in advertising, sponsoring or donating, or know someone who might be, please contact us.

As I suspected, this explains the extreme amount of ads. But, I can live with the ads when the content is free.