Saturday’s Wisconsin State Journal has a wonderful front page article about the tenth anniversary celebration of the UW Law School’s Wisconsin Innocence Project.
Twelve prisoners have been freed by the Wisconsin Innocence Project. Six of them were there Friday to be honored and watch for the first time an emotional 25-minute video about their cases…
Wisconsin’s program started at a time when there were just a handful of such projects. [Innocence Project co-directors, Keith Findley and John Pray, associate professor Byron Lichstein] work with law students to investigate and litigate possible innocence cases among the 400 or so requests that come in each year…
“If there’s anything we’ve learned from the DNA exonerations of the past 20 years is that our best intentions and most firmly held beliefs can be wrong,” Findley said. “No one can ever be too sure. We all have to be open-minded and skeptical and willing to re-examine everything.”