Here is the latest faculty scholarship appearing in the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Papers series found on SSRN.
An Error and an Evil: The Strange History of Implied Commerce Powers by David S. Schwartz
Understanding State Agency Independence: Appendices by Miriam Seifter, University of Wisconsin Law School
This is a supplement to Professor Seifter’s article, Understanding State Agency Independence -
World Trade and Investment Law in a Time of Crisis: Distribution, Development and Social Protection by David M. Trubek,
Alvaro Santos, (Georgetown University Law Center) and
Chantal Thomas (Cornell Law School) -
Coin, Currency, and Constitution: Reconsidering the National Bank Precedent by David S. Schwartz
Defying McCulloch? Jackson’s Bank Veto Reconsidered by David S. Schwartz
Under the Hood: Brendan Dassey, Language Impairments, and Judicial Ignorance by Michele LaVigne and Sally Miles (affiliation not provided)
To access all the papers in the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Paper Series, please use the following URL: