I learned yesterday that WisBlawg subscriptions are available for the Kindle. To view blogs on the Kindle, apparently you have to pay for the convenience. WisBlawg is listed at $1.99 / month. Personally, I’d rather …
Blog Administration
Email Subscription Problems
I’ve been informed that some subscribers received the following error message this morning informing them that ” ‘University of Wisconsin Law School’ has changed.” We believe that this error was the result of some web …
WisBlawg Turns Four
I’m pleased to share that WisBlawg recently celebrated its fourth birthday. Thanks to all of you loyal readers for sticking with me!
Happy 2nd, WisBlawg!
On Saturday, WisBlawg celebrated its second birthday. No one brought in a birthday cake, but – hey – there was some coffee cake in the staff lounge this morning. I’ll take it.
Welcome to WisBlawg's New Home
Welcome to WisBlawg’s new home on the Movable Type platform. Please note that the URL has changed to http://www.law.wisc.edu/blogs/wisblawg/ I made the change for several reasons and chief among them, the desire to move off …