Want a clean printout without all the extra ads, navigation bars, and headers? There is a free tool called CleanPrint that can help. You install it on your browser and it strips all of the …
Browser Add-ons
Share Zotero Citation Lists with Zotz
“Zotero helps you collect and manage citations. Zotz helps you make them public.” From Zotero: The Zotero team is making solid progress on a variety of collaborative features. But, if you want to publish and …
CiteGenie Now Captures Citations from Westlaw AND LexisNexis
Thanks to Scott Frey who alerted me to some changes with CiteGenie. If you didn’t catch my earlier post about it, CiteGenie is a new extension for the Firefox web browser that, as its website …
Jureeka! Creates Links to Cases, Statutes, etc. in Ordinary Webpages
Jureeka! is a new Firefox add-on that looks for legal citations in ordinary web pages and turns them into hyperlinks that lead to a free version of the cited source. Pretty nifty. You can download …