The Milwaukee Bar Association’s annual Law & Technology Conference will be held this Friday, bringing together legal professionals to explore the latest developments in legal tech, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. The conference offers both in-person …
From Copyright Catalog to Campus Icon: The History of Bucky Badger’s Birthday
An item in today’s Flamingle caught my eye: Why is Bucky Badger’s birthday October 2nd? Turns out that the big day dates back to the registration of Bucky’s likeness in the Library of Congress Catalog …
When AI Assistants Overshare: Best Practices for Lawyers Using Gen AI Productivity Tools
Generative AI productivity tools have become increasingly popular in the legal profession, offering significant potential to enhance efficiency and streamline workflows. Tools like, Zoom AI Companion, and Microsoft Teams AI Note Taker can help …
23andMe Considers Selling: Implications for Consumer Genetic Privacy
According to The Atlantic, 23andMe, a leading provider of consumer genetic testing services, is considering selling the company amidst financial difficulties. This is particularly noteworthy because of the vast amount of genetic data 23andMe has …
Recent UW Law Faculty Scholarship: Purcell Principles for State Courts, Climate Justice & Non-human Rights Law in Latin America, & Poultry Grower Regulations
Here is the latest faculty scholarship from the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Papers series vis SSRN. Purcell Principles for State Courts by Robert Yablon, UW Law School and Derek Clinger, UW …
WI Law Review Symposium on State Law & Federal Elections, Sept 20th
On Friday, September 20th, the Wisconsin Law Review and the State Democracy Research Initiative will bring together legal scholars to discuss the future of American state election law and the challenges that may arise in …
Recent UW Law Faculty Scholarship: Interrupting Gun Violence; Integrating Tribal Law into the Legal Research and Writing Curriculum: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies; Administering Facts-And-Circumstances-Based Tax Tests; and Fammigration Web
Here is the latest faculty scholarship appearing in the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Papers series found on SSRN. Interrupting Gun Violence 104 Boston L. Rev. 769 (2024) by CHRISTOPHER LAU, UW Law School …
Read It or Weep: ABA Issues Opinion on the Growing use of Generative AI in the Practice of Law
This week, the ABA released its first formal opinion covering the growing use of generative AI in the practice of law. To ensure clients are protected, the opinion mandates that lawyers using gen AI must …
Is Google Becoming More Selective? Implications for Content Discoverability
In recent months, web developers and SEO experts have noted significant changes in Google’s indexing practices, observing a shift towards more selective indexing of web content. Two blog posts, one by Red Revolution and another …
Avoid These “7 Words That Suggest a Text Was Written With AI”
Following up on our post last week on Tips on Detecting & Improving AI-generated Text, I discussed a new study that suggests one of the “tells” of AI-generated text is the use of excess, sophisticated-sounding …