Last fall, we reported that the UW Law School State Democracy Research Initiative launched a new resource called, which provides easy access to the text of all 50 state constitutions and allows users to …
Research Strategies
Guide to Researching Private and Public Businesses, Specialized Industries
Business information can be an important source of intelligence for attorneys. Carol Hassler from the Wisconsin State Law Library has compiled an excellent guide to “Researching Private and Public Businesses, Specialized Industries” in the latest …
Researching Municipal Ordinances in Wisconsin and Beyond
Unlike federal and state law which is widely available, municipal law can be difficult to track down. In Wisconsin alone, there are 585 municipal (city and village) governments and 1,265 town governments and the availability …
Exploring Legal Research Resources Makes WisBar’s “5 Tips to Excel as a New Lawyer”
Christopher Shattuck, Law Practice Assistance Manager at the State Bar of Wisconsin has compiled a useful list of tips for law school grads looking to maximize their experiences as new lawyers. They are: Do Not …
Searching Legal Blogs & Law Firm Websites
Legal blogs and law firm websites can be great sources of legal insight and current awareness, especially on local issues. However, this content is easy to miss if you’re not a subscriber. Fortunately, there are …
“Anything that You Can Do to Make the Judge’s Job Easier = Better Outcomes for Your Clients”
Last Friday, I attended an excellent CLE program on Ethics & Professionalism in Virtual Legal Environments – Judicial Perspectives sponsored by the UW Law School, Continuing Legal Education. Judge Jason Rossell (Kenosha County Circuit Court) …
HeinOnline Expands Topical Taxonomy to Include Broader Categories & Subjects
For a while now, HeinOnline has assigned topics to each article in the Law Journal Library database. This allows researchers to get a general idea of the scope of the article before they dive in …
Tips on Locating Email Addresses
Have you ever tried to contact a specific person at a business or other organization but didn’t know their email address? Tracking down individual email addresses can be difficult, but there are a few tricks …
It's Not Science Fiction, It's a New Way to Search
Here in law library-land, we’re all familiar with the concept of “citation chasing”- i.e., finding one good on-point article and then mining its citations, footnotes, and citing sources for other relevant articles. But what if …
A small but critical change on
Congress.Gov announced yesterday that with their new version of searching, users will now get slightly different results. The reason? The default operator is now AND and not OR. So, as Congress.Gov’s post points out, …