Wonders of Wisconsin

The Shepherd Express, an alternative weekly Milwaukee newspaper, has announced the winnders in their Wonders of Wisconsin contest. Both natural and human-created wonders are listed. Looks like I need to do some in-state traveling this …


My colleague, Nancy Paul, shared this item of interest: This year the time and date three minutes and four seconds after 2 AM on the 6th of May will be 02:03:04:05/06/07. This will never again …

Uses for Twitter?

I’ve been reading a lot about Twitter lately. NYT explains: For anyone unfamiliar with the latest trends in technology, “Twitterers” send and receive short messages, called “tweets,” on Twitter’s Web site, with instant messaging software, …

Library of Congress Blog

Looks like the Library of Congress has started blogging. Blogger and new LC Director of Communications, Matt Raymond explains: Because the vast majority of visitors to the Library of Congress do so only virtually (via …

ABA Litigation Section Podcast

The Litigation Podcast from the ABA Section of Litigation promises to serve up practical tips, tactics, and interviews with today’s leading trial attorneys. Looks like there have been some interesting topics so far, including one …