Notice anything new? Both the UW Law Library website and blog, WisBlawg, are featuring a fresh new look this fall. They offer a cleaner, more mobile-friendly design that more closely aligns with the UW Madison …
Year: 2019
Assessing Law Journal Publication Offers – School Prestige v. Journal Citation Impact Factor
On the topic of assessing law journal publication offers — There is a very interesting article recently available on SSRN that examines the relationship between a school’s prestige and the citation impact factor of its flagship journals. To …
Google Enhances Podcast Discovery
Last week, Google enhanced discoverability of podcast content. Simply add the word “podcast” to your search and Google search will show you playable episodes alongside your other search results. We’ll surface these episodes based on Google’s …
Guide to Locating Older WI Legal Material
Carol Hassler of Wisconsin State Law Library has put together a very helpful guide on finding older legal materials in the latest edition of InsideTrack. She provides tips on locating archived: Laws & Regulations Agency Opinions …
Statistical Observations from the WI Supreme Court’s 2018-19 Term
For some interesting observations about the 2018-19 Wisconsin Supreme Court term, check out the latest SCOWstats post. It analyzes the number of decisions filed and polarization within the court and offers some speculation about the 2019-20 …
New HeinOnline Feature Visualizes Author’s Connections to Scholarly Community
HeinOnline, a database of laws, law journals, and other legal texts, recently added a new feature called “Explore this Author” to author profiles. It allows readers to visualize how an author’s scholarship connects with the scholarly community. Look …
WHS Receives Grant to Digitize Early Citizen Petitions to WI Legislature
Congratulations to the Wisconsin Historical Society for receiving a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to digitize citizen petitions submitted to the Wisconsin Legislature between 1836 and 1890. Here’s more information about the project …
Malamud Building Gigantic Journal Database for Data Analysis
The journal Nature has an interesting piece on public domain advocate, Carl Malamud’s project to “build a gigantic store of text and images extracted from 73 million journal articles” for data analysis. No one will be allowed …
Interview with Professor Miriam Seifter on UW Law’s Hastie Fellowship Program
PrawfsBlawg has an excellent interview with Professor Miriam Seifter on UW Law’s William H. Hastie Fellowship Program. “The Hastie Fellowship is an academic fellowship program aimed to help prepare candidates for the law teaching market. The program is …
More Recent UW Law School Faculty Scholarship
Here is the latest faculty scholarship appearing in the University of Wisconsin Law School Legal Studies Research Papers series found on SSRN. More Property Rules than Property: Revisiting the Right to Exclude in IP by BJ Ard What …