Attention legal historians:
WilsonWeb has added ten more years of coverage to Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective. You can now search for legal articles dating back to 1908. ILP Retro is available for public use at the UW Law Library. Although the full text of articles is not available in ILP Retro, the Law Library has many older periodicals which you can access in print.
Other legal history resources available at the UW Law Library include:
- Hein Online which contains the full text of many legal periodicals from the first volume to most current volume allowed under contract
- Nineteenth Century Masterfile includes Jones and Chipman’s Index to Legal Periodical Literature covering 1786-1922
- Nineteenth Century Legal Treatises Index and Twentieth Century Legal Treatises Index are two free Web resources that index works relevant to legal theory and history printed in the United States and the United Kingdom.