ACI Scholarly Blog Index

Scholarly blogs can be a very good source for legal and other research but identifying them from among the multitude of web content can be difficult.  A new search engine called the ACI Scholarly Blog Index now makes that task a little easier.
The site indexes scholarly and authoritative blogs from experts in all fields of science, social sciences, and the humanities, including law.   WisBlawg is among those indexed.  From the FAQ:

All blogs are individually curated by researchers with expertise in that blog’s topic or field of study.  Care is taken in determining subject coverage, Library of Congress Classifications for accuracy, and enforcing editorial and product policies and guidelines to ensure high standards in data quality and blog content.

Some advanced search and filtering tools are available to help you refine your search also as explained in the FAQ.

While keyword searches to explore blog content are probably the most common type of search, web researchers can also find blogs using the blog title, blog author, and other variables. Search results can then be further refined with the facets located on the left; for example, to filter results by Library of Congress Classification, publication, author degree, and many others.

For more on the advanced search features, check out this tutorial.